Man vs Machine

30 Timeless Books for the Human Spirit

September 26, 2022

We are beginning to face an ever-growing problem between Man and technology:

  • What does it mean to be human?

  • Why is Man superior to machines?

  • What is the human spirit?

  • What is the soul?

As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to evolve at an alarming rate over the next 100 years the answers to these questions will become extremely important for each one of us to find on our own - Especially for North Americans that are exposed to the frontiers of technology from Silicon Valley.

That is why I put together this booklist of timeless reads for my friends. There is no particular order of importance that these are listed in, and not every book is about the soul or human spirit, but I’ve added a great mix of classic reads for most men.

The better we understand ourselves, the better we can utilize technology to benefit society and help others.

Note: Items below are Amazon affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking a link (or image) below, I will receive a small portion of the sale at no extra cost.

All-Time Favorites

The American Soul

Jacob Needleman


Ralph Waldo Emerson

Holy Bible

KJV Translation

The Wisdom of Success

Andrew Carnegie & Napoleon Hill

Friends With Great Books

Xenfulness Podcast with the Authors if You Want to Learn More

Xenfulness Podcast #70

Donald Robertson

Xenfulness Podcast #96

Eiman “Sheikhy Chíc” Makki

More Epic Reads

Enjoy Your Adventure 📚🌅